Xiaomi Wangteng: LCD screen fingerprint technology is feasible, but this year's flagship is OLED screen 29th,April,2019

                                      Previously, according to the latest news, the domestically launched 阜时科技 recently demonstrated the LCD screen's screen fingerprint solution, accumulating more than 160 LCD screen fingerprint patents.

Xiaomi Wangteng: LCD screen fingerprint technology is feasible, but this year's flagship is OLED screen

According to the news, supply chain manufacturers have solved the problem of LCD capacitor signal interference, and demonstrated the demo scheme of LCD screen fingerprints. It is expected that some manufacturers' low-end models will adopt LCD screen under-screen fingerprint solution in the second half of this year. .

Xiaomi Wangteng: LCD screen fingerprint technology is feasible, but this year's flagship is OLED screen

It is reported that the company has successfully solved the bottlenecks such as display effects and fingerprint imaging effects through continuous adjustment and improvement of the LCD backlight system through continuous modification and trial of the LCD backlight. The LCD panel + under-screen fingerprint scheme of the fingerprint image can be clearly seen.

阜时科技 adopts an algorithm-assisted approach, and realizes the rapid recognition of fingerprints under the LCD screen by adopting the latest deep learning neural network algorithm optimization. It is known that its fingerprint recognition rate is comparable to traditional capacitive fingerprints, and the algorithm is still In evolution.

According to Xiaoteng’s product director Wang Teng,

LCD screen fingerprints are technically feasible, but this year should be less likely to have a product launch, the fastest end or next year. Conclusion: This year's flagship will be OLED screen.

In addition, for the OLED has DC dimming LCD screen elimination theory, Wang Teng believes that the product will be used within the cost of less than 2,000 yuan.